Harrisburg Stampede Back #Reloaded for the 2024 Season

January 21, 2024

HARRISBURG, PA September 7, 2023
It is with immense excitement and heartfelt pride that I, Justin Coble, owner of the Harrisburg Stampede, announce the triumphant return of our beloved team for the 2024 season. My commitment to the Harrisburg community has always been unwavering. The Stampede has been and always will be, a community-based team, a source of pride for our fans, and a haven for families to come together and celebrate the excitement of arena football.

It is with great pride that I get to announce our new 2024 Head Coach Bernie Nowotarksi. Together with my dear friend, we are set to reignite the spirit of the Harrisburg Stampede, and it only feels natural to embark on this #Reloaded journey with prestige and dedication. Our motto for the 2024 season will be #reloaded as we bring back the team to the city and announce to the Arena community that we are back.

Bernie and I share a special history, one that has seen us through countless victories, challenges, and unforgettable moments on and off the field. Our connection runs deep, and it’s this bond that fuels our shared vision to bring championship glory back to Harrisburg. Bernie Nowotarski is not just a coach; he’s a legend in arena football circles, and his track record speaks for itself.

Under my leadership and the unwavering trust, I place in Bernie as our head coach, the #Reloaded Stampede is well on its way to a remarkable journey as we approach the 2024 season.

It was with the Stampede on February 29th, 2012, when I first owned the team that Bernie faced one of his most challenging battles, a diagnosis of Multiple Myeloma, an incurable blood cancer. Despite this daunting news, Bernie’s passion for coaching remained unshaken. Through it all, I was there for him, as he had been there for me countless times. Bernie’s resilience and determination in the face of adversity only served to make our bond stronger, both as friends and as partners in the pursuit of victory.

The revival of the Harrisburg Stampede is a testament to our shared love for this city and the game of football. We’re not just building a team; we’re building a legacy. As the 2024 season comes, we have every reason to believe that the championship spirit will be reignited, and our fans will once again experience the thrill of victory.

As we embark on this exciting chapter, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to our loyal fans, supporters, and the entire Harrisburg community for standing by us through thick and thin. Your passion and dedication are the driving force behind this #Reloaded Stampede, and together, we will achieve greatness once more.

The 2024 season promises to be an unforgettable journey filled with electrifying moments, and we can’t wait to share it with you. Stay tuned for updates, events, and announcements as we gear up for an action-packed season.

For more information about the Harrisburg Stampede go to www.hbgstampede.com. Also check out the Harrisburg Stampede on our Social Media Pages – Facebook, Twitter, Instagram


Harrisburg Stampede
2300 N. Cameron Street
Harrisburg, PA 17110

Harrisburg Stampede
234 State Street
Suite #103
Harrisburg, PA 17101


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